VLOOKUP will get its result from the row in which it finds your lookup reference combined with the column. Input the nth order of the column (VLOOKUP)/row (HLOOKUP) where you want to find your lookup result in the reference table. Later, VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP will search the lookup value we inputted earlier in the first column (VLOOKUP)/row (HLOOKUP) of this cell range Input the cell range where the reference table to find your data is then type a comma sign. Input the lookup reference value or the cell coordinate where the value is. Type VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP (can be with large and small letters), depending on which formula you want to use, and an open bracket sign after = Type an equal sign ( = ) in the cell where you want to put your VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP result Therefore, we provide the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP writing example screenshots in each step to help you understand. Learning the writing of HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP can be quite difficult if you just know them.
#How to use vlookup in excel how to
The following will explain in step-by-step how to write VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in excel. Whereas, HLOOKUP will make the most left match as the data position reference in the result row. If that happens, then VLOOKUP will make the more top positioned match as the data position reference in the result column. Sometimes, there are also cases where there is more than one exact match in your first column/row. They can find an approximate match if it doesn’t find the exact one if you input TRUE as the lookup mode.

Then, they will get your data from the column/row you specify through the intersection with that row/column position. The writings for both are quite similar although you have to take different perspectives when referring to the reference table.īoth VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP will try to find their lookup reference and see its row/column position. In the example, you can see how we write VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in excel and the result we get from them. The following will give and explain the example of HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP implementation and their results. If you don’t input anything here, then excel will assume that you input TRUE Input TRUE for approximate and FALSE for exact. Determines whether you want an approximate or exact match for your lookup reference. HLOOKUP will look at which column it finds your lookup reference to get data at that same column in this row VLOOKUP will look in which row it finds your lookup reference to get data at that same row in this column. result_column_index (VLOOKUP)/result_row_index (HLOOKUP) = the index of the column (VLOOKUP)/row (HLOOKUP) in your reference table where you want to get your data.reference_cell_range = the reference table cell range where VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP will do their data lookup process.Meanwhile, HLOOKUP will search it in the first row of its cell range VLOOKUP will search its lookup reference in the first column of its cell range. lookup_reference = the value that will become the reference for VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP when they lookup for your data.The following will explain the inputs of both formulas and their differences when you input them for VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP.

However, they have differences you should pay attention to, mostly related to the horizontal and vertical nature of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. The inputs in the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP formula writing are quite similar. = HLOOKUP ( lookup_reference, reference_cell_range, result_row_index, lookup_mode )